RSM is a global network of accounting firms, ranked as the sixth-largest in the world by revenue. Known for its award-winning tradition of strong client service, RSM's Australian office has been working with Client Culture since 2016 to further enhance its client relationships and service quality.
The Client Culture Client Experience Program provides RSM with a regular, unfiltered view of its service quality and relationship health, delivering real-time insights directly to accounting professionals. This program enables the firm to:
Regular client feedback, received every two months or quarterly, accelerates service improvements and fosters a client-centric culture within the firm.
“An excellent service that has helped us better understand both our clients and professional staff and improve loyalty. Highly recommend it."
Rhys Kyburz, Partner, RSM Australia.
The implementation of Client Culture’s program has led to significant improvements in RSM's client experience, as evidenced by a consistently rising Net Promoter Score (NPS) year after year. The positive impacts include:
Steady year-on-year improvement in client satisfaction and loyalty, achieving NPS results at 'Outstanding' levels.
Enhanced services and experiences, with clients appreciating the opportunity to be heard and the confidence that comes from seeing RSM use an independent quality assurance process.
Managing Partners:
Empowered by unfiltered, unbiased data, managing partners can drive confident decision-making, better understand the firm’s strengths, and identify areas for improvement.
Partners benefit from data-driven insights that facilitate collaboration and a unified service approach, enhancing client satisfaction. They also have greater staff insights helping them better develop and inspire their teams.
Staff gain valuable insights into client needs, improve their people skills, and experience increased job satisfaction from positive client feedback and regular client shout-outs where staff go above and beyond.
Wiith sharpened brand focus, innovative social proof tools, and a library of client testimonials, the marketing team effectively builds credibility and showcases the firm’s and partners’ expertise.